SEND Inclusion Award
We are very delighted to announce that our school has successfully attained and got awarded the SEND Inclusion award. We are proud and thankful to our inclusion department, led by Ms. Yassmin Sheta for leading our school on that amazing journey.
The SEND Inclusion Award helps schools deliver high-quality education for pupils with special learning needs. Compliant with the SEND Code of Practice, the award framework focuses on removing barriers to learning through early identification, inclusive teaching, and leadership. It also allows us to evaluate the impact and improve classroom practice and pupil outcomes.
The SENDIA Framework covers the following: Identifying SEN Students, pupil outcomes, leadership and management of SEND provisions, Professional Development for Staff, Pupil and parent engagement and Compliance to the SEND Code of Practice and relevant laws.
Read more (link driving to this page: https://www.gemswinchesterschool-fujairah.com/en/Why-WSF/Inclusion/SENDIA-Award-2022-2023